Comprehensive Disability Services in Anchorage, AK
The Arc of Anchorage offers comprehensive disability services in Anchorage, AK, including advocacy, health support, employment assistance, and behavioral health programs. Our tailored services focus on meeting the unique needs, goals, and rights of every individual and family we serve.
Ensures all individuals who contact The Arc of Anchorage receive excellent customer care and tracks progress to ensure quality of service. Need to talk to someone about our services? For assistance, call us:

Julie Sanchez
AMHR/BHS Intake Coordinator
P. 907-777-0327
F. 907-272-2161
Community Living Services (CLS) Residential Support Services
Provides support that encourages independence and participation in the community, allowing adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live as independently as possible. For families of children who experience developmental disabilities or complex medical conditions, CLS provides family habilitation residential supports, in-home assistance and respite care.
Residential support services assists individuals who choose to live in one of The Arc’s group homes in the Anchorage area. This service provides 24-hour staff support, seven days a week. Transportation to and from daily activities is provided. Staff support individuals in their activities of daily living.
Integrated Employment Services (IES)
Assists adults to find and keep employment in the community. Provides support, job placement with local employers, and on-the-job skills training for a successful career.
Behavioral Health Services (BHS)
Provides a full array of clinic and rehabilitation services using an integrated approach to address mental health and physical health concerns through wrap-around community-based services in the least restrictive setting.
Community Enrichment and Quality of Life Program (CE/QL)
A goal-based activity program for adults who need enhanced supports. It is designed to meet each individual’s unique need for activities, socialization and life skills.
Therapeutic Foster Care
Share your loving home by being a Therapeutic Foster Parent for an infant, child or young person who experiences a developmental disability and/or complex medical conditions. Our experienced professionals provide on-going support for our foster families.
To learn how to become a foster parent:
PDF Fact Sheet (to be developed on Foster Parenting)
Sparc: a creative place
A creative art studio celebrating self-expression. Sparc is located on The Arc of Anchorage campus and is open for artists of all abilities to experience professional studio space. With dedicated facilities for ceramics, stained glass, painting, beading, printmaking and more artistic opportunities, Sparc is the place to be!
The Arc Recreation Center
Provides afternoon, evening and some weekend recreational classes, including social and life skills classes for ages 16+. The Recreation Center focuses on increasing community integration, self-esteem and independence. Classes and events are offered on a semester-based schedule.
To view our current semester courses and events:
Nursing Services
Our nurses train care providers so they can create a safe, healthy environment, allowing individuals with complex medical conditions to live at home with their families. The program can also provide medication administration training to employees providing self-administration of medications to individuals.
Case Management Services
For behavioral health and community living services programs, The Arc’s case management team works closely with care coordinators and other service team members to facilitate a person-centered plan of care and ensures the individual’s comprehensive needs are being met.