Happy New Year From The Arc!

Jan 6, 2021

Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy new year filled with joy and hope, and of course, enjoying time together safely and in good health. I know 2020 was atypical, but it brought so much perspective to what life is really about – connecting with people. No matter the critical need to physically distance ourselves from others out of our own household bubbles during COVID-19, we learned in 2020 that relationships and people drive our motivation to give and serve with joy, integrity and respect.

At The Arc, we have connected with neighbors, donated to other non-profits doing incredible work right here in Anchorage, checked on our family and friends throughout the pandemic, used our skills to make masks, volunteered our time to help others in need, and more. 2020 wasn’t just about the hardships that COVID brought to our world, it was about taking the opportunity to see what was possible when the going gets tough and make a difference where you are, with what you can.

So cheers to 2021; we are hoping for goodness and progress as we move forward as a city, state and nation in this new year. Below is our latest edition of our quarterly newsletter inSights that includes special shout-outs to our donors, staff and Sparc artists, as well as events, opportunities and sharing of the joy and generosity of our community. Enjoy!




Chief Executive Officer


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