Today we made the decision to close our main campus as a precaution for the health and safety of our staff, those we serve and visitors due to the spread of COVID-19 in our community as more people in Anchorage are getting tested and some have now tested positive for the virus. We will notify you when the campus re-opens.
The Arc of Anchorage Board and myself are dedicated to continuing services as best we can under the circumstances and utilizing technology to assist us in working remotely. What this means is our staff will now be available only by phone and email with limited in-person contact.
We ask that you use our main number to reach staff at 907-277-6677 and select option #2 on the main menu of our phone system. You can also reach key staff by using our staff email contacts website page.
Physical distancing is extremely important at this time, so we can’t stress enough the importance for those we serve and are vulnerable, to follow the Hunker Down Order by the Municipality of Anchorage through March 31. We truly care about your health and safety, as well as those you care about in our community. Even in this time of getting used to a “new normal” during this COVID-19 pandemic, we can make a difference by our choices, attitude and overall response to circumstances.
On behalf of The Arc, I want to express thankfulness for an amazing community that has recently come together in spirit to make an impact on what we do at The Arc – from the donation of googles and masks, to collection and distribution of supplies for our group homes and programs, to the dedication staff have shown to ensure our individuals continue to receive critical support. It matters and to know we have community support behind us is beyond awesome.
Remember, we’re all in this together (well, at least six feet apart). Be kind, wash your hands frequently and practice physical distancing to protect the most vulnerable in our community.
Barbara Rath
Chief Executive Officer
The Arc of Anchorage | 2211 Arca Drive, Anchorage, Alaska 99508