Compliance Issue
The Arc of Anchorage is committed to the promotion and encouragement of attitudes and behaviors that exceed the minimum requirements of the law and support corporate and personal conduct that is beyond reproach.
Some examples of compliance issues are:
- Breaches of confidentiality;
- Violation of law, policy or regulation;
- Substantial and specific danger to health or safety;
- Conflict of interest;
- Abuse of authority;
- Gross waste of funds;
- Theft and abuse of property;
- Unethical conduct;
If you feel any of the above has been committed, please call the Compliance Hotline at 907.777.0106 or fill out the form below, and provide as much information as possible:
(If you would like your complaint to be anonymous, please skip the identifying information and check the anonymous box)
If you have trouble submitting this form, please print and fax it directly to (907) 272.2161.